5 Ways You Can Make Black Women’s Lives Easier

Black women are tired.

To say that the emotional toll of the results of 2024 U.S. Presidential Election have been heavy would be an incredible understatement. Many Black women feel exhausted, frustrated and enraged. Many Black women feel unsafe, devastated and numb. Many of us are in various states of grief, as we try to comprehend what our future will look like following the end of this current presidential term.

Personally when heavy emotions are sitting with me, I process them through writing. Writing has been the balm to pains that I’ve encountered these past few years, so my body turned to my journal out of habit when I first learned of the results.

Need book recommendations for Black women recovering from burnout? Click here?

In my writing, processing and exhaling, I’m reminded of how vital it is for Black women to have opportunities to process, rest and safely feel at ease. We’ve done so much, and much of what we’ve done goes unappreciated, unseen and taken for granted. We are tired. Very, very tired.

This blog was created for the people who love Black women, respect Black women and want to do something to offer us some relief during this unprecedented time. If you aren’t sure how you can make a Black women’s life easier during this season, here are a few ideas that you are welcome to use and share with others:

Listen to her needs without interrupting.

Be an active listening ear to her concerns and needs without interrupting her, telling her what you think is best for her or giving her unsolicited advice. Do not undermine her, gaslight her or engage in toxic positivity because you feel uncomfortable with what she has chosen to share with you.

Pay her fairly and purchase from her businesses.

Offer your financial support. Ensure that she is paid fairly for her time, experience and effort. Proactively purchase from her businesses and brands. Donate to her causes and spread the word about how others can do the same.

Loudly and actively advocate for her rest & ease.

Don’t be shy -- raise your voice to advocate for Black women to have as many opportunities to rest as possible. Use your privilege to educate others on the importance of Black women’s self-care and personally make it easier for the Black women in your life to rest.

Find more opportunities to decrease her workload.

Is there a task you can easily take on, that she doesn’t have to do? Offer to do all or at least some of it. Offer to take something off of her plate, with little assistance from her. Then, repeat.

Stop expecting her to be strong and selfless all the time.

Change your expectations of how Black women are “supposed” to show up, if you have been expecting Black women to always be strong, self-sacrificial and constantly problem solving for others. She does not have to be at service at all times. Especially not now.

Click here for free self-care affirmations and journaling prompts that promote the rest and ease Black women deserve.

How can you make Black women’s lives easier this week?


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