Gmichelle Wellness
Welcome to your well-rested era.
Burnout Recovery and Stress Relief for Exhausted Professionals
Let us help you design your well-rested life.
Grab my free Burnout Relief Guide by clicking here to receive step-by-step tips, ideas and guided journaling prompts to care for yourself during or after experiencing burnout and stress.
Refresh, update and create your most well-rounded burnout recovery and stress relief routine with our collection of wellness-centered books and guided journals.
Receive the one-on-one instruction you need, at your own pace and on your own time with our burnout recovery, stress relief & restorative self-care course.
Bring burnout recovery and stress relief strategies to your next staff retreat, conference or summit with our signature workshops, facilitated by G. Michelle Goodloe, LCSW.
Click here to explore my current training offerings.
For a limited time, one-on-one workshop session are available upon request. Please click here to learn more.
Here’s what folks are learning from Gmichelle Wellness:
"Treat myself better."
"How to identify burnout."
"Scheduling breaks and saying no."
"I need to stop skipping lunch."
"You have to take time for yourself."
"Practice makes perfect -- make self-care a lifestyle."
"Develop a routine and practice -- it does not have to be perfect."
"I need to care for myself first to be able to care for others."
"You have to take time for yourself."
"Self-care actually has many forms."
"Treat myself better." "How to identify burnout." "Scheduling breaks and saying no." "I need to stop skipping lunch." "You have to take time for yourself." "Practice makes perfect -- make self-care a lifestyle." "Develop a routine and practice -- it does not have to be perfect." "I need to care for myself first to be able to care for others." "You have to take time for yourself." "Self-care actually has many forms."
Gmichelle Wellness offers the burnout recovery and stress relief tools that you need to discover the well-rested version of yourself.
After working with Gmichelle Wellness:
4 out of 5 of professionals felt more equipped to take care of themselves.
80% of professionals learned one self-care tool they could apply to their lives right away.
More than 83% of professionals would recommend Gmichelle Wellness resources to other professional helpers.
Meet your partner in designing your well-rested life, G. Michelle Goodloe, LCSW
Michelle has been developing, facilitating and supporting professional helpers, birthing parents, caregivers and Black women experiencing burnout for over a decade.
With experience as an intimate partner violence counselor, non-profit leader, statewide project manager and clinical therapist in private practice, Michelle brings a wealth of knowledgeable, empathetic and innovative approaches to burnout recovery and restorative self-care.
Her trauma-informed and compassion-based trainings, journals and resources are designed to validate, educate and offer strategically crafted support to professionals surviving burnout.
Her relaxed and informative style of presenting engages and encourages each professional to make their own self-care non-negotiable.